Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant
For the most part, everyone is born with two healthy functioning kidneys. Most people don’t think about their kidneys on a daily basis, but for those with kidney disease or kidney transplant recipients, those two small bean-shaped organs are very important. The National Kidney Foundation or NKF is joining us during National Kidney Month to […]
The Heart Truth about Heart Donation and Transplant
When we think of February, we often picture a heart. This heart symbolizes many things; from love, to Valentine’s Day, to American Heart Month. But for others, a heart holds a much deeper meaning. For those few individuals who have received a heart transplant, it symbolizes the difference between life and death and every thumping […]
Presumed Consent or Opt-Out: What does it mean?
You may have been hearing the term “presumed consent” or “opt-out” lately when it comes to organ and tissue donation around the world. The UK is the most recent country to adopt legislation that supports this. The United States operates under an opt-in, first-person consent system. This means individuals must personally, actively sign up on […]
Is Coronavirus a Rule-out for Organ Transplants?
When it comes to rule outs for organ transplants, it’s important to get the facts, especially when discussing coronavirus and other diseases. Active coronavirus continues to be a rule out for both organ and tissue donors as well as recipients. However, once recovered, donation and transplantation are both possible, as is the case with many […]
El Coronavirus (COVID-19) y la Donación y los trasplantes de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos: Información y Recursos
El Coronavirus (COVID-19) y la Donación y los trasplantes de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos Con las crecientes preocupaciones con respecto al brote del coronavirus (COVID-19), muchos residentes tienen preguntas sobre el impacto que tienen en la donación y el trasplante de órganos y tejidos. Para ayudar a ofrecer información y orientación, a continuación, tenemos información […]
#GetTheFacts: What Types of Donation Does the Donor Registry Cover?
What types of donation does the donor registry cover? With all of the different types of donation out there today, it can get confusing as to who does what. We often receive questions about bone marrow donation, blood donation, whole body donation and more. So today, we’re here to answer some of your questions about […]
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation: Information and Resources
As we continue to fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many residents have had questions about the impact on organ and tissue donation and transplantation. To help offer some insight and guidance, below we have key information from our area and links to additional resources. We’ll continually post updates on the coronavirus and organ and […]
Aftercare: Recursos para las familias de donantes
Recursos para las Familias de Donantes (Primera parte de tres de nuestra seria “Aftercare”) Los miembros de la familia de los donantes son el corazón y el alma de nuestra misión en Donor Alliance. A través de su cooperación y apoyo durante uno de los momentos más trágicos de sus vidas, las familias donantes juegan […]
Who Can’t Be an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor?
We’re often asked who can’t be an organ, eye and tissue donor? The short answer is, everyone has the potential to be an organ, eye and tissue donor! Even if you have a chronic illness or health condition, you may be able to give the gift of life to someone in need at the time […]
Transplantation Science: New Resources This School Year
School is in full swing in Colorado and Wyoming and our Transplantation Science Program has some new resources for teachers this school year! At Donor Alliance, we know that teachers have been working hard for weeks: setting up classrooms, planning curriculum and looking for new and innovative ways to teach students about their content. For […]
Donation 101: Organ Donation Terms We Don’t Use and Why
How certain words are used can have a significant impact, especially when it comes to organ, eye and tissue donation. This list provides guidelines around which organ donation terms to avoid and the most appropriate terminology to use instead.
Don’t Have a Driver License or State ID? No Worries, You Can Still Sign Up to Be an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor
One of the questions we receive often when educating the community on organ, eye and tissue donation is how people can sign up to be organ, eye and tissue donors after death. While most people sign up to be organ, eye and tissue donors when obtaining or renewing their state ID or driver license at […]