Donation Essentials Blog
Foundation Spotlight: Jennifer Moe
We’re so proud to announce the formation of the Donor Alliance Foundation. In our Spotlight, we would like to take a minute to introduce you to Donor Alliance Foundation Executive Director Jennifer Moe.

Jennifer Moe – Executive Director of The Donor Alliance Foundation
Name: Jennifer Moe
Position: Executive Director of The Donor Alliance Foundation
Tell us a little about your role with Donor Alliance: As the Executive Director of The Donor Alliance Foundation, my job is to build a grantmaking platform that gets dollars back out into the community. The Donor Alliance Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to support and promote education about organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Whether medical research, patient assistance or general community education I am working to elevate the lifesaving mission of organ and tissue donation through grant making.
What is the best thing about working at Donor Alliance? The very best thing about working at The Donor Alliance Foundation is the feeling you get when you walk in the door. Coming back after three years, it felt like coming home. And getting to come back and work alongside Sue Dunn and Jennifer Prinz and so many smart and driven people on the planet, makes me feel very fortunate. I am so grateful to be back in this new role continuing lifesaving work.
When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun? I used to run marathons and have a clean house and visit with friends after work. Now married with two girls ages 6 and 8, I spend my time driving the carpool, going to activities and sports events and making slime. I enjoy seeing the world through my girls’ eyes – it is like reliving my childhood all over again.
What is your proudest accomplishment? Being a mother and a wife. I have everything I have ever wanted in my family of four. I am also proud of my work at Donor Alliance. Little did I know back in 2005 when I began my role as Director of Communications and PR how this work would become woven into my life. I do not take for granted what a gift I have been given being able to be a part of this organization.
If you could take an all-expenses paid vacation, where would you go? Right now it would probably be anywhere warm with a beach. But Europe is my favorite. Probably to Switzerland for a real Swiss Fondue and visit to the Alps.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Stand up straight. Never be afraid of being tall. ?