Donation Essentials Blog
Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion, Shares the Profound Impact Organ Donation has Had on His Family
Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion, shared how organ donation has impacted his family and encouraged the community to consider signing up to be organ donors after death.

A former Denver Bronco and practicing Muslim, Ryan Harris is passionate about educating the community on organ donation.
My Father’s Life was Saved by Organ Donation
My father has been a lifelong inspiration, supporting my dreams of being a professional athlete and Super Bowl champion – and he would not be here today if not for the generous gift of organ donation. Each year, during this month of gratitude, I make sure to take the time to reflect on how such an incredible act has profoundly impacted my entire family.
As a Muslim, this month is particularly meaningful because National Donor Sabbath is celebrated every year two weekends before Thanksgiving. National Donor Sabbath is a time for Colorado faith leaders, families of organ donors, transplant recipients and faith communities to come together to learn and share more about the lifesaving gift of donation and transplantation. I’ve been so inspired by seeing the impact that our donor hero had on my father, that I’ve become a passionate advocate for organ donation.
Coming Together to Celebrate National Donor Sabbath
All major faiths support organ donation, including the Islamic faith. Moreover, many faiths recognize organ donation as a selfless act of compassion and charity. Since many people often look to leaders in their faith for guidance on matters of both life and death. National Donor Sabbath gives faith communities the opportunity to share their views and join the conversation.
Organ Donation is Permissible within the Islamic Faith
I recently spoke with Dr. Omar Suleiman about the Islamic stance on donation and transplantation, and organ donation being permissible within the Islamic faith. I invite members of the Colorado community to share the facts of donation with your own faith community and encourage them to consider signing up to be an organ donor after death.
I Encourage all Colorado Residents to Say Yes to Organ Donation
In sharing the impact that a living donor has had on my father, and my family, I am hopeful that I can help inspire others. Coloradans interested in becoming living donors should contact their local transplant center for more information. I realize that not everyone can be a living organ donor, but I encourage all residents to say Yes to being an organ donor at the time of their death. is a great resource with the facts you need to make this informed decision about organ donation and to sign up to become a donor online. You can also sign up when obtaining or renewing your driver license or state ID at the driver license office.
Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion & Muslim
Denver, CO