Donation and Transplantation in the News

Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos: Claves para un Proceso Seguro y Eficiente

Aprende todo sobre el transporte de órganos y tejidos para trasplante Todos los órganos locales para trasplante están acompañados por un mensajero certificado y/o son rastreados mediante un dispositivo de monitoreo. Es importante tener en cuenta algunos hechos clave para el correcto transporte de órganos y tejidos : El tiempo en que los riñones donados […]

9News ‘Ahora tengo una parte de él para siempre’: Tuvo Reemplazo de Rodilla Gracias a un Donante Especial

Mary Parker Tuvo su Tercera Cirugía de Reemplazo de Rodilla. Pero Esta Vez, Conocía a su Donante.   Mary Parker ha escrito muchas notas de agradecimiento en sus 51 años. Dos de esas notas fueron enviadas a desconocidos, es decir, familias de personas que se convirtieron en donantes de órganos y tejidos. Gracias a ellos, […]

Obtén tu placa de matrícula de “Donate Life” de Wyoming y Apoye la donación de Órganos.

Cómo Obtener un Placa de Matrícula de “Donate Life” en Wyoming Puedes completar una solicitud para recibir la nueva placa de matrícula especial en. WYDOT’s Division of Motor Vehicles website. ¡Donor Alliance se complace en asociarse con la División de Vehículos Motorizados del Departamento de Transporte de Wyoming (WYDOT) para lanzar una nueva placa de […]

Harnessing the Power of Hollywood

By Tenaya Wallace, Guest Blogger & Founder, Donate Life Hollywood (DLH) Recently I asked a group of organ donation educators to raise their hand if they had ever spoken to someone who cited a television storyline as the reason they were NOT a donor. Every hand in the room went up. Around the country, OPOs […]

Community Impact Report from Jennifer Prinz, Donor Alliance CEO – Saving More Lives Than Ever Before in 2021!

Community Impact ReportThank you for your partnership in saving lives and providing hope in 2021! Hope is a word we often hear at Donor Alliance. The ripple effect of hope is intangible and hard to represent on a fact sheet. As we share the impacts made by the efforts of our dedicated staff and our […]

What You Should Know About Liver Transplants

Did you know that nearly 500 people in our area are waiting for a liver transplant? About 30 million people – or one in 10 people in the United States – have some form of liver disease. For these reasons, liver health and awareness is at the forefront this month. Learn More During National Liver […]

La Lista de Espera No Puede Esperar: Número Récord de Donantes de Órganos y Vidas Salvadas en el 2020 – Colorado y Wyoming

A pesar de la pandemia de COVID-19, Donor Alliance registró el 2020 como el año más exitoso con respecto a las vidas salvadas a través de la donación y el trasplante de órganos que jamás haya visto. En el 2020, un número récord de donantes de órganos heroicos salvaron 622 vidas a través de la […]

Registrarse como donante: Una Resolución de Año Nuevo Alcanzable que Salva Vidas

El comienzo de un nuevo año viene con un sentido de esperanza renovada, nuevas oportunidades e incluso nuevas formas de retribuir y apoyar a tu comunidad. Sin duda, 2020 fue un año como ningún otro con una “nueva normalidad” para casi todas las cosas que hacemos en nuestra vida cotidiana, incluyendo la forma en que […]

The Waitlist Can’t Wait: Record Number of Heroic Organ Donors and Lives Saved in 2020 – Colorado & Wyoming

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Donor Alliance recorded 2020 as the most successful year for lives saved through organ donation and transplantation that the region has ever seen. In 2020, a record number of heroic organ donors saved 622 lives through organ donation and transplantation and thousands more lives were saved and healed through tissue donation […]

Last Christmas: A Review Through a Donate Life Lens

“Very emotional for me, but I feel like it’s a movie worth seeing as a donor family member,” said Laurie. Laurie is a donor’s wife and an Advocate for Life from Casper, Wyoming who helped us review the 2019 romantic holiday comedy, Last Christmas, through a Donate Life lens. While Laurie’s connection to donation and […]

National DMV Appreciation Month: Celebrating Partners Making a Difference

September was National DMV Appreciation Month. Earlier this year, many driver license offices across the country were closed for COVID-19 safety reasons. To allow more time to recognize and support our DMV partners, Donate life America extended National DMV Appreciation Week to the entire month of September. We spent the month celebrating our Department of […]

Book Discussion: “The Organ Thieves” – Lessons Learned, Shaping the Future Actions within Donation & Transplantation

With the recent publication of the book The Organ Thieves: The Shocking Story of the First Heart Transplant in the Segregated South, we must acknowledge the past transgressions within the healthcare system and donation and transplantation field in the United States. The Organ Thieves is about Bruce Tucker, a Black man who suffered a head […]