Donation Essentials Blog

Get Your Wyoming Donate Life License Plate & Support Organ Donation

How to Get a Wyoming Donate Life License Plate

You can fill out an application to receive the new specialty plate on WYDOT’s Division of Motor Vehicles website.

Wyoming License Plate

Donor Alliance is excited to partner with the Wyoming Department of Transportation’s (WYDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles to launch a new Donate Life Wyoming license plate! Help us inspire Wyomingites to register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor to save and heal more lives.

Who can receive a new Donate Life Wyoming license plate?

Anyone who supports the mission of inspiring and educating Wyomingites about the importance of saying Yes to organ, eye, and tissue donation. Showing support also provides hope to the nearly 1,300 people currently waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant in our region. 

What types of vehicles are eligible for this new specialty  license plate?

Donate Life Wyoming license plates can be installed on any personal vehicle. This includes:  passenger cars, trucks that do not exceed 16,000 pounds (empty weight), recreation vehicles, motor homes, and motorcycles. Commercial vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles are not eligible for the specialty  license plate.

How do I get one?

Fill out an application on WYDOT’s Division of Motor Vehicles website to request a new Donate Life Wyoming license plate. These specialty plates can only be ordered online. There will be no walk-in service available. 

What does it cost?

 The Donate Life Wyoming license plate can be purchased for a one-time $30 fee and does not coincide with plate registration renewal. 

Where can I go for more information?

You can find additional information about the Donate Life Wyoming license plate at the WYDOT Division of Motor Vehicles website. To register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor, please visit

The Story Behind the Donate Life Wyoming License Plate

By Eric Quinney, the Father of Bryson Quinney, Heart Transplant Recipient

In October of 2006, Bryson was born with several congenital heart defects. He underwent three open heart surgeries within the first three years of his life. As his body grew, the existing heart couldn’t keep up with demand, and Bryson attended 6th grade with oxygen and an IV pump strapped to his back. 

In 2019, Bryson’s anatomy also caused damage to his liver, and doctors listed him for a transplant in October of that year. Every day, we anxiously awaited the call that could give Bryson a new lease on life.

In January of 2020, we went to the hospital for a medication change and received unexpected news—

the plans had changed, and a new heart had become available. We immediately made phone calls to inform family and friends, filling the air with excitement and anxiety. As the surgery time approached, the doctor entered and informed us that the heart wasn’t the best match. They declined the opportunity, and Bryson remained in the hospital, waiting for the next chance. 

While we wanted a new heart for Bryson, we were also aware that a tragedy would have to occur for that to happen. This hope weighed heavily on our hearts. Finally, on March 5, 2020, the special day arrived when Bryson received the greatest gift that anyone could give.


While Bryson waited in the hospital to receive a new heart, he met a girl, a heart transplant recipient his same age who was waiting for her second heart transplant. They quickly became friends and shared a special bond. She had been waiting in the hospital for almost a year.

Bryson’s heart came, and he was able to go home a few weeks after, while MacKenzie continued to wait. Time ran out on her wait, and she passed onto the other side without receiving a heart. 

This was deeply impactful; from that moment, Bryson was determined to do more. He knew that receiving the gift of life was not enough. He needed to do more; he wanted to do more.

Shortly after going home from his heart transplant, Bryson was asked to speak at a Donate Life event in Salt Lake City, where they introduced a new license plate for Utah featuring a Donate Life logo to help spread awareness about the importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation. 

On the way home, Bryson asked if Wyoming had such a license plate. The answer was “No.” Bryson said we needed to change that, and from that moment, the effort began to honor MacKenzie. We contacted our local state senator, and legislation was written to have a specialty license plate in Wyoming.

New Specialty Donate Life License Plate in Wyoming

Bryson’s journey as a heart transplant recipient played a pivotal role in changing legislation. The Donate Life specialty  license plate bill was introduced during the 2022 Legislative Session. Bryson gave powerful testimony to the Transportation Committee, who passed the bill unanimously. 

Unfortunately, time was not on our side, and the bill died on the floor without getting a vote. This did not deter the effort, and we came back stronger than ever in 2023. Bryson again testified in the Transportation Committee on both the House and Senate Side. We emailed the legislators and received support from many groups.

After a lot of grassroots efforts, the legislation passed and was signed by the governor. This (specialty license plate) will help create conversations as families drive down the road and will be instrumental in helping people choose to be organ donors

While MacKenzie may not have received her heart in time, this effort in her honor will hopefully save many more lives as people become educated and elect to become  eye, organ and tissue donors. We must not only be on the receiving end of gifts, but we must also do more to pay it forward.

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