DMV Appreciation Month
DMV Appreciation Month

DMV Appreciation Month
National DMV Appreciation Month- September
National DMV Appreciation Month is a time to recognize and thank Department of Motor Vehicles staff (DMV) and Driver License partners for their support and commitment to asking the donation question to their customers every day.
“Our DMV partners are the people on the front lines of service who have helped register more than 130 million donors”, says David Fleming, President & CEO of Donate Life America. “Even with advances in technology, the DMV partnership remains a primary source of donor registrations. We could not have reached this milestone of registered donors and lives saved without the partnership and support of DMVs.”
During this month, Donate Life Colorado and Donate Life Wyoming will be showing appreciation of our Driver License partners by saying thank you to the hard-working staff and leadership through local events and outreach. Please take the opportunity to reach out to your local Driver License office and thank them! To find the location nearest you, click here for Colorado and here for Wyoming.
To register your decision to become an organ, eye and tissue donor, go to Donate Life Colorado or Donate Life Wyoming.