Elevate Your View: 2018 Data Summit
Elevate Your View: 2018 Data Summit

Guided by community data experts, Elevate is a mountaintop data immersion experience like no other. Collaborate with peers, learn from interactive data workshops, develop expertise in leading data visualization software, and return to your OPO with a custom performance dashboard built by YOU!
Fly in to Denver International Airport and take the A Line Rail directly to Denver’s Union Station (more info on transportation). We suggest you slumber nearby on Monday evening; the train up to Winter Park leaves early the next morning and waits for no one! The Crawford Hotel (reservations) is situated right inside the recently renovated Union Station, and will eliminate the need for a Tuesday morning commute (more info on lodging).
The Tuesday morning train will depart promptly at 8:05, whether you’re on it or not. Coffee and bagels will be served on board. Sit back and enjoy two hours of scenic views while you catch up with peers in the Lounge Car. The summit will be held at the Vintage Hotel (reservations), beginning with registration and lunch, followed by an agenda packed with informative panels and interactive data-focused sessions (more info on agenda).
After the session wraps, check in to your room at the Vintage Hotel and take a couple of hours to unwind. You’ll need your energy and wit for Connections: A Mountainside Lodge Networking Event in the Hill House, just steps from the Vintage Hotel (more info on Connections coming soon). Festivities will begin at 7:30, and feature heavy appetizers, fireside s’mores and toasty beverages until 9:30.
By Thursday morning, you will no doubt be curious as to existing best practices in visualization and data analytic tools used by your OPO colleagues. After joining us for breakfast from 7:30-8:30 learn more about the diversity in dashboards and tools used by many attendees!
The train to take us all back to Denver will depart the station at 3:50pm on Thursday afternoon. We will leave the Vintage Hotel at 3:15pm to assure ample time to board before departure. When the train arrives back at Union Station at 6:30 that evening, you can return to the Crawford Hotel for your final night’s lodging (Crawford Hotel reservations), or any of the nearby suggestions listed in the Lodging page.
More helpful information:
Get in Touch: We’d love to hear from you with any questions or feedback.
What to Bring: What you need to be warm and ready for Elevate